My story about wood

I'm a hobbyist by nature who likes to tinker with wood. For some reason, there is an interest in making something interesting and permanent from strong types of wood. It's also definitely more challenging than making something with softer materials. Oak is the favorite. The essence of this tree expresses something primal. After all, he can grow vitally for many, many human generations. He has played an important role in the development and achievements of mankind. When you hold him, you feel his strength and warmth. The play of his structure is enjoyable to watch and you will definitely find peace and security in this activity. A bigger and more challenging period for working with wood began La Tene by creating a store together with Tene in 2014. Previously, I had built a wooden frame house, the making of the internal staircase of which I consider a good achievement for a hobbyist. By the time I created the store, I had gathered enough tools and skills to make the simpler interior elements myself. Especially since our common desire was to use a lot of wood in the interior. Since the entire content could not be made at the end of the knee, I had Mr. Argo Koppel make a part according to my drawings. He works very diligently in this field and has also made many furnishing elements for La Tene stores. This beginning prompted me to build a small workshop. Look at the building in the background in the picture. The workshop already allowed me to do much more interesting things. In addition to interior design, I also started experimenting with oak products. It became my passion and hobby, from which I feel great joy and satisfaction. From the idea to the completion of something, loses the sense of time and creates a gamble. On this page, I display these products for you to share a part of what I have made and to give you the opportunity to use something from this selection for practical use. You can familiarize yourself with the products I offer on my shop page and if you want to know how these products were born or about other interesting things I talk about, please visit me too part of the blog.