The first wooden ring

Holding a strip of oak veneer in my hand, I thought about whether to throw it away or not. I mean trash to burn. At the same time, for some reason, a ring came to mind, which led to the union of the two. The idea of making a ring was born.
The idea of making a wooden ring seemed so good that it was necessary to start working on it immediately. I have to admit that I looked through the Internet for what others have done in this area. Surprisingly many had already done it and done wonderful things. The desire to try it myself gained momentum, and a three-layer glued ring rolled from a strip of veneer was born. The first attempt went completely wrong, it stuck to the base and I didn't manage to free it completely. The second attempt was already better, but I sanded it too thin, the intermediate layer started to come out. With that, I went ahead and did the finishing (with oil) and with my trembling hands I also burned my name in the runic script on top of it. This can also be seen in the picture with the third test.
I was not very satisfied with the oil finish. It didn't add enough shine to the ring in my opinion. Consequently, I am now looking for a more suitable one, one that would bring out the beauty of the product and would also be safe for the wearer. Varnishes and the like can irritate the skin. It is also a concern with finishing, that I have to ensure the maximum possible moisture resistance for the product. Without this protection, you can't even touch your head with this ring.


Email again:


Base - for glass and cup


The first wooden bracelet

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